/ Pejman Mirza-Babaei: Data-Driven Gameplay Experience Design

Pejman Mirza-Babaei: Data-Driven Gameplay Experience Design

8th April 2024
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

102 (Robert Recorde), Computational Foundry

The overall aim of developing a game that is fun to play is often hard to achieve due to the complexities of the game development process. An accurate understanding of player behaviour and their gameplay experiences can help identify and resolve any potential problem areas before release. In this talk, I will use commercial case studies and academic research projects to provide a summary of my work in developing new evaluation methodologies, tools and data visualisations for games UX evaluation.


Pejman is a games UX consultant, author, and professor. His latest book, The Game Designer’s Playbook, was published in September 2022. He also co-edited the Games User Research book (2018), a compendium of insights from over 40 experts on UX research in games. He was the UX Research Director at Execution Labs (Montréal, Canada) from 2015-17 and UX Researcher at Vertical Slice/Player Research (Brighton, UK) from 2009-13. He consulted for companies such as Roblox, Genvid Technologies and contributed to pre-/post-release evaluation of more than 35 commercial games, including award-winning titles such as Crysis 2, PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist, Weirdwood Manor, A Fold Apart, and Broken Spectre.