14.00 Welcome (Markus)
14.05 Scientific Talks – 10 min slot for each speaker
(* Railway table *)
- 14.05 Liam
(* Timetabling *)
- 14.15 George
- 14.25 Raziyeh
(* Ladder Logic Verification & Verifying Z3 results *)
- 14.35 Markus talking on behalf of James and Pragun (double slot)
- 14.45 Harry
(* monitoring data of High-speed Railway using Large Language Models *)
- 14.55 Yue
(* Schemeplans & Graphs *)
- 15.05 Marek
- 15.15 Alec
— coffee break (with time to play with Liam’s railway table) —
16.00 Organisational Matters
- What are our specialities? We might want to put the following on the webpages with some pictures and text – naturally, the below is the result of an initial brainstorming and up for discussion:
- Verification
- Software Verification of interlocking computers (ladder logic)
- Creating trust in verification (Alec, Harry)
- Modelling and verification of ERTMS (ongoing papers)
- Modelling and verification of traditional signalling (established track record, but no ongoing work)
- AI-Techniques
- Creating trust in verification (Marek)
- Monitoring data of High-speed Railway using Large Language Models [Yue – Engineering]
- Railway Timetabling (from trackplans to timetables that meet customer demand)
- Public outreach – Rail Table
- Technology Transfer [confirmed with Daniele]
- Research Community Building – European Group = MSCA consortium?
- Railway Policy / Best Practices / Standards (?)
- Railway Security (?)
· Monika: Report on the MSCA application
· Railway Impact Case Study (lead goes from MR to MS)
· Monika: Report on her GCRE visit
· Setting up an email list
- Create a webpages of our Research Group
- Reaching out to
- UKKRIN – PhD topic list (Monika?)
- Southampton
- Birmingham